The SS Stone Rose Petal
Crew Members Crew Descriptions Voyage Log
Overfiend's Lair

::Crew Members::
Commander: Captain Cid aka Chady
Master at Arms: Jonny aka Big Jay
Navigator/Radar: Big Dogg aka Bubbles
Shaman Counselor: Conan aka Beach Shaman
Communications Officer: P aka The Principal
Executive Chef: Samurai aka Bobby
Gunner's Mate: NC Masta aka The Demon
::Crew Descriptions::
Commander: Even though each crew member has equal rank aboard the boat, there is a
Commanding Captain that leads the voyage into safe passage. The captain is usually not under the hallucinogenic magical properties that the rest of the
crew is on so his mind is sturdy. He remains clear-headed to command his crew through the fog of the void.
Master at Arms: One of the founding fathers of the boat. This crew member is in charge of security aboard the boat. Enforces rules and
regulations to maintain discipline aboard. Notifies Gunner's Mate of any
serious disturbances to be taken care of. If he forsees a bad trip coming...chills down the atmosphere to bring
back the essence of the boat's sway on the tides before as a last resort commands the Gunner's Mate to duty.
Navigator/Radar: One of the founding fathers of the boat. Orginally spawning from being only a little sail flappin in the dedicated
winds...once the boat blossumed this crew member became more apart of
the guidance of direction to what destinations the boat needs to explore.
Once sober distractions start bleepin on his radar he alerts the crew to
continue course into the void.
"We always set sail on da boat
wanting so much to float
never floating but we do get high
never realizing that we could die
smoking and drinking is what we do best
we always do a toast to some girls chest
we drink and some all night long
big sue just found the 3 foot bong
the boat is a great way to share and vent
20 yrs from now we will all know what this meant !!!!!!"
Shaman Counselor: One of the founding fathers of the boat. You could call the Counselor/Commander relationship
as a Merlin to King Arthur. Mostly responsible for the magical hallucinogenic plants and herbs brought
aboard the boat for the crew members to start the journey with. Advises and acts as
a medium between the visible world and the void of mind exploration and divination.
"Come with me my friends and open your third eye before the worm closes its nest, for
you will be trapped inside the belly of the worm."
Communications Officer: This crew member is in charge with our mental communications with
outside influences. By using certain electronical apparatuses that stimulate the mind further into the void.
This is often done with abstract digital versatile discs or electronic eye candy of
secret orders.
"*Barf* (tentative)"
Executive Chef: This crew member is in charge of overseeing choices made in food and beverages
aboard the boat. When some of the crew members are on magical properties they do
not wish upon such things. However, in other cases when alcohol or other non appetite suppressing
herbs are present, there is always a late night feast usually established. One of the first of the
grand meals was the boat salad. The chef is not in charge of serving the crew members but
more of supervising ideas and focusing on the boat "munchos"ideology.
"Strange. I can't feel my face."
Gunner's Mate: Most of the time the boat sets out on a peaceful non-violent voyage. If ever in the rare
instance that an outside or even inside the boat disturbance breaks out and the Master at Arms can not chill it down, this crew member
is in charge of dispatching it. Also with suggestive whispers he tells the other crew members to act out against
the source of the problem. He also reports any incoming threats he forsees happening.
The boat has a peaceful surface to it...but if something tries to fuck with the SS Stone Rose Petal
and her crew members...the Gunner's Mate can transform it into one bad motha fucka.
::Voyage Log::
July 31st Log I
Log I - "Trial by Fire"
The story of how Joel, Bob, and Chad saw the sun at different angles.
Top of page - two mugs with Santa and Frosty (Christmas in July!) Arrow pointing to brown liquid
says "Boy Scout piss"
2:something - hackysack before opium
Bob took cavacava, Joel, Chad, and Bob take walnuts and lime juice and crush the shit
into Big Al's coffee grinder.
(picture of Bruce Lee kicking shit, Chinese pagoda tower and dragon!)
2:17 - Wizards pour their magic tea (Harry Potter noises)
Benny says "I am trapped nigga!"
\-----(note, that's a "t")
Cinnamon is the spice of the evening, gentlemen.
2:21 - "It looks like hot cocoa now!" - Joel
Qantimodos - 9th level shaman spell
-does bless for two rounds per level
-double experience
-2d6 chill damage (a nigga said chill!) every two rounds, nucca!
2:30ish - First Sips!
"Vegetable aftertaste... its like I'm in a fucking Crisco commercial." - Joel
\____> (arrow pointing to 2:33 - downward spiral taste)
2:32ish - Joel is attacked!
The Dragons Den! --> back of THE BOAT!!
(picture of pagoda table, Chinese characters that spell "Nick Verrigni")
Joel sat in Crouching Tiger chair, Chad sat in Hidden Dragon chair.
2:40? - My boys need cinammon real bad but "happily" deny it.
2:42 - Lots of Lore! references?...
2:43 - "It's like a boouuuuusszzzhh to your head." - Joel, after a big gulp of opium tea
"I'm 'bout to hatch outta my raptor egg!" -Joel (Think MULDOOOON!)
(Picture of the Green Lantern symbol)
2:45-47 - discussion of porno posters, why aren't there more naked chicks in posters?
"Oh yeah, caught ya little fucker!" - Chad
2:47ish - Joel focused his ears - Shaman powers, "W-h-a-t-t-h-e fuuuucccck?" - Joel
-spit on the porch
Chad beating Joel as far as consumption goes.
"MAC!" -Chad
"The wizard is talking!" - Joel
"What's he saying? La la laa la laa la!(Wizard of Oz song)" - Chad
(time no longer becomes a concern)
Picture of the "Kumkalarkaka" - Four eyes, pointy teeth, snake on forehead.
Picture of parrot with eye patch and glitter, picture of MAC's head opening a pyramid, picture of
Joel winning shuffleboard (2nd place)
"The Pirates of the Caribbean" - sung to "Addams Family"
They're pirates and they're ruthless,
they'll slice you 'til you're toothless,
their speech is rather couthless,
The pirates are a'sailin',
(MAC's head)
the fliers, they're a 'mailin',
their swords, they are a flailin'!
"I'll fucking take Tremor theory anytime dude, I'll take 'em down." - Chad
Q: Why don't they like the red color?
A: Tickle the armpit.
"The Chinas were beautiful people!" - Joel (while Chad fake rapes me) - funniest quote of the trip
3:30ish-6:00ish - Ron Jeremy, lesbian threesome, Sigur Ros, depressurization.
Then the boat sailed away. FIN (feather floats down).